Plano Air Conditioning and Heating | Now Hiring | HVAC Career Opportunity

With over 2,000 maintenance customers & over 40 years in the market, Plano Air Conditioning and Heating is a secure job environment for any technician.

Family owned and operated, if we have a good season, YOU have a good season.

All staff is promoted FROM WITHIN, so you won’t stay in a stagnant, dead end, career, because as we grow YOU do, too!

Winter times don’t mean cuts @ our company as we do our best to provide hours for our employees in any way we can. From flat out given hours to opportunities for other work, you won’t work hard during Summer & starve out just in time for the holidays.

After doubling our business in the past year & being presented the “FASTEST GROWING COMPANY” award from Lennox in 2014, we guarantee you will not only enjoy the environment of our workplace, you may actually LIKE coming to work too.

Call us @ 972-527-3840 or email your resume to LIZ@PLANOAIR.COM